13 February 2023
New from Motorola Solutions- TLK110
Motorola Solutions release the latest addition to their WAVE PTX portfolio – the TLK 110. The TLK 110 combines the flexibility of push-to-talk communication via broadband with the reliability of a rugged, purpose-built radio.
With an IP67 rating, dedicated emergency features and seamless management capabilities, the TLK 110 is designed and built to last. And account and team settings can be configured and updated remotely through the WAVE PTX administration portal that allows centralised management of your fleet.
TLK 110 builds on the success of the TLK 100 and adds additional features and functionality:
· Enhanced user interface with 2-line monochrome display

· Man Down/Fall Alert
· Lone Worker
· AI-backed noise suppression system and VOX
· Support for 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi
· IP67 protection against dust and water
· MIL-STD 810H
· USB-C charging port
Read more: https://airsyseurope.com/motorola-solutions-devices/lteportables/tlk110
Airsys Europe is pleased to announce that we have limited seeding stock available on a first come, first served basis.
To discuss your TLK 110 requirements, for more information about the product or to purchase seeding stock, please contact a member of the Airsys Europe Sales team:
t: +31(0)475-252041
e: sales.europe@airsys.com