Motorola Solutions LTE Portables
Delivering State-of-the-Art Intelligence
Whether it is high-priority broadband data or streaming real-time video, an urgent dispatch update or interoperable push-to-talk, Motorola Solutions growing portfolio of Public Safety LTE infrastructure, devices, and services allows you to make use of this advanced mobile broadband technology – today.
Ensure that your officers, ambulance workers and incident commanders get the right information delivered to them at the right time, in a way that they can view it quickly and easily, without distracting them from the tasks at hand. Make information sharing seamless and effective so that you can turn data into intelligence.
Ensure that your officers, ambulance workers and incident commanders get the right information delivered to them at the right time, in a way that they can view it quickly and easily, without distracting them from the tasks at hand. Make information sharing seamless and effective so that you can turn data into intelligence.