SmartPTT Express
A flexible dispatch console for DIMETRA Express radio systems (TETRA digital radio systems from Motorola Solutions)
Flexibility in configuring, reliability in use
Using DIMETRA Express radio system and SmartPTT Express software, you can be sure in the reliability of your radio communications even in the most critical situations. Take a chance to secure and simplify everyday operations while reducing costs and complexity over the long term.
- Voice Dispatch
- Emergency Management
- Voice Recording
- Location Tracking
- Ambience Listening
☑ Simplified and effective coordination of day-to-day staff operations
☑ Personnel safety: their movements are always under control
☑ All in one solution: integrated voice calls, voice recording, location based services, SCADA, and more
☑ Easy interaction between talk groups and entire departments
☑ Modern and flexible user interface, customized to every dispatcher needs, increases the speed of their work
☑ Easy radio system configuration and maintenance
☑ Personnel safety: their movements are always under control
☑ All in one solution: integrated voice calls, voice recording, location based services, SCADA, and more
☑ Easy interaction between talk groups and entire departments
☑ Modern and flexible user interface, customized to every dispatcher needs, increases the speed of their work
☑ Easy radio system configuration and maintenance