The evolution of GCaaS: Remote working and post pandemic
15 June 2023

The traditional workplace is in an office, a warehouse, or a shop. However, it seems that companies are offering more flexible options for employees to work.
For example, years ago, it was deemed essential to work in an office. Now, it is possible to work in a dedicated home office, kitchen, on a commute, or a co-working space.
It seems businesses and employees are enjoying flexibility and freedom. Many would have assumed that working from home reduces efficiency. Yet, the flexibility allows employees to feel more relaxed, energised (thanks to a lack of commute), and focused. Hence, employees are finding that working from wherever suits them more beneficial and effective.
But why the change?
The innovation of modern technology, as well as the pandemic, has made remote working and working from home more common. The pandemic saw the need for employees to create a space to work from home with innovative technology being introduced to assist with this transition. Post pandemic, working remotely, either completely or hybrid is now accepted in most businesses.
As a result, we are now seeing an increased need for different teams, in different locations needing to communicate quickly and efficiently across a range of devices. But how?
With Group Communications as Service (GCaaS) teams regardless of location have the ability to collaborate and

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