Airsys Europe celebrating 4 years
01 November 2023
Four years ago, Airsys Europe embarked on its journey, starting as a mere VAT number under the leadership of Bojan Nikolic, Director, Airsys Europe, now...

The establishment of a company is always challenging, and while Airsys Europe benefited from the support of Airsys UK&I, the journey faced additional hurdles with the onset of COVID-19 and subsequent disruptions in the supply chain. Despite these adversities, Airsys Europe exhibited remarkable determination, playing a pivotal role in propelling Airsys Group to the forefront as the leading distributor of Group Communications as a Service solutions. Today, the team has grown to ten members with its premises extended to across three units.
This remarkable achievement owes much to the perseverance of Bojan and his team, but equally significant is the
invaluable support from their partners—both resellers and vendors alike. In choosing Airsys Europe as their preferred partner of choice, they have been instrumental in shaping the success story of the European team.
However, the journey doesn't conclude here. At Airsys, we recognise the significance of staying ahead in this ever-evolving landscape. Our learning has taught us that to thrive in this dynamic market, innovation is key. Reach out to the Airsys Europe team to delve into your evolving requirements, and we'll unveil our strategic plans for the future. Let's navigate the path forward together.
Thank you for the last four years and here is to resilience, growth, and lasting partnerships!
